Release 1.4.3


[CSD-512] - Upgrade to Angular 11

Upgrade from Angular 10 to Angular 11 (


With this upgrade the Typescript version was updated from 4.0.3 to 4.1.4. For Angular Universal users, if you use useAbsoluteUrl to setup platform-server, you now need to also specify baseUrl. In the Angular Router’s routerLink, preserveQueryParams has been removed, use queryParamsHandling="preserve" instead. If you have problems with the frontend try to delete node_modules and package-lock.json and rebuild the app.

If you’re upgrading from a previous carrot seed version make sure to run the following commands to upgrade nx. nx migrate @nrwl/workspace@12.2.0 nx migrate --run-migrations

For more details see


Known Issues

  • Cypress version pinned to 9.6.3. Upgrade to version 10 needs new structure of configuration files.
  • Don’t use docker-compose V2 as long as the bug with the env_file is not fixed.
  • Angular SSR is currently broken, container webapp-frontend-ssr image doesn’t build in prod target
    (local_prod, dev, staging, prod).
    As a workaround change the settings of your project in the Carrot Console and disable the
    ‘Angular SSR’ option.