Todo App Tutorial

This step-by-step guide will show you how can Carrot Seed help you building your project on solid based foundations. We will show core functionalities using “Todo” app as an example.

Create todo app on server

On the server Django is used, if you aren’t familiar with the concepts please have a look at the documentation:

Adding the app to Django

In order to start we need to create a new Django app. Important: you have to execute the following commands in the docker container webapp-server-webapp-container.

Open the docker container webapp-server-webapp-container and execute the following command to create a new app with the name todo:

cd webapp
python ../ startapp todo

After that you should see a new folder called “todo” at Server/webapp/webapp.

We need to define the name of the app. Therefore please open the file located in the todo folder and add the following lines:

from django.apps import AppConfig

class TodoConfig(AppConfig):
   name = 'webapp.todo'
   verbose_name = 'Todo'

   def ready(self):

We also need to add the app to the Django settings. To do that open the file Server/webapp/config/settings/ and add the following to LOCAL_APPS

    # Your stuff: custom apps go here

Creating a todo model

The next step is to create a new todo model. The model defines how the data should be stored in the database.

In the created todo app you should see a file called You could define your models in here. But it is better to have an explicit model folder where the different models can be stored.

To achieve that please execute the following steps:

  1. delete the in your created todo app

  2. create a new folder called models

  3. inside the models folder create a file

  4. inside the models folder create a to define the module

The next step is to define a model. If you aren’t familiar with Django models please read the documentation.

The following code defines the todo model. A todo item has the values is_done, text and an owner created_by

from django.db import models
from webapp.core.models.base_model import BaseModel

class Todo(BaseModel):
   is_done = models.BooleanField(default=False)
   text = models.CharField(max_length=200, blank=False, null=False)
   created_by = models.ForeignKey(
       'core.Organisation', on_delete=models.CASCADE, blank=False, null=False, related_name='todos'

   class Meta(BaseModel.Meta):
       verbose_name = 'Todo'
       verbose_name_plural = 'Todos'

We need to tell Python which files are in the models module. Therefore we need to add the following code in the ```:

from .todo import Todo

After creating the todo model we need to create the tables in the database. Therefore you need to enter the docker container webapp-server-webapp end execute the following command:

python makemigrations
python migrate

Creating the controller and the serializers

Next step is defining controllers and serializers for the API.

We’ll create a inside the todo folder, which calls the model to create a new todo:

from webapp.core.models.organisation import Organisation
from webapp.todo.models import Todo

def create_todo(organisation: Organisation, text: str, is_done: bool):
   This function triggers the Todo creation.

   :param organisation: Django admin Organisation instance
   :param text: str
   :param is_done: boolean

   return Todo.objects.create(text=text, is_done=is_done, created_by=organisation)

Next we have to create the inside the todo folder which is responsible to check incoming data and serialize outgoing data. We need a serializer for creating, deleting and updating a todo.

from rest_framework import serializers

from webapp.todo.controller import create_todo
from webapp.todo.models import Todo

class CreateTodoSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
   class Meta:
       model = Todo
       fields = ('text', 'is_done')

   def create(self, validated_data):
       organisation = self.context['request'].user.owned_organisation
       is_done = validated_data['is_done'] if 'is_done' in validated_data else False
       return create_todo(organisation, validated_data['text'], is_done)

class DeleteTodoSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
   class Meta:
       model = Todo
       fields = ('id',)

class UpdateTodoSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
   text = serializers.CharField(required=False)

   class Meta:
       model = Todo
       fields = ('id', 'text', 'is_done')

Defining the schema

For the client server communication graphql with graphene is used ( For that we need to create a for the inside the todo folder. Again we need a schema for creating, deleting and updating a todo.

import graphene

from webapp import gql
from webapp.gql.model_serializer_mutation import GqlModelSerializerMutation
from webapp.gql.types import CsdDjangoObjectType
from webapp.gql.utils import custom_filter_function, auth_required
from webapp.todo.models import Todo
from webapp.todo.serializer import CreateTodoSerializer, DeleteTodoSerializer, UpdateTodoSerializer

def filter_todo_by_user_id(queryset, filter_value):
    return queryset.filter(created_by__id=filter_value)

def filter_todo_by_is_done(queryset, filter_value):
    return queryset.filter(is_done=filter_value)

class TodoType(CsdDjangoObjectType):
    class Meta:
        model = Todo
        fields = '__all__'
        interfaces = (gql.Node,)
        csd_filter_fields = {
            'text': [
            'is_done': filter_todo_by_is_done,
            'created_by__id': filter_todo_by_user_id,

class CreateTodoMutation(GqlModelSerializerMutation):
    class Meta:
        serializer_class = CreateTodoSerializer
        model_operations = ['create']
        lookup_field = 'id'
        exclude_fields = ('id',)
        output_field_type = TodoType

    def mutate_and_get_payload(cls, root, info, **input):
        return super().mutate_and_get_payload(root, info, **input)

class DeleteTodoMutation(GqlModelSerializerMutation):
    class Meta:
        serializer_class = DeleteTodoSerializer
        model_operations = ['delete']
        output_field_type = TodoType

    def mutate_and_get_payload(cls, root, info, **input):
        return super().mutate_and_get_payload(root, info, **input)

class UpdateTodoMutation(GqlModelSerializerMutation):
    class Meta:
        serializer_class = UpdateTodoSerializer
        model_operations = ['update']
        output_field_type = TodoType

    def mutate_and_get_payload(cls, root, info, **input):
        return super().mutate_and_get_payload(root, info, **input)

class Query(object):
    todo = gql.Node.Field(TodoType)

class Mutations(object):
    createTodo = CreateTodoMutation.Field()
    deleteTodo = DeleteTodoMutation.Field()
    updateTodo = UpdateTodoMutation.Field()

We also need to add the schema to the global schema in the Django app. To do this open Server/webapp/webapp/core/ and edit the file as follows

The todos must be added to the organisation of the user as well (line 11).

import webapp.todo.schema

#... some code in between
class OrganisationType(CsdDjangoObjectType):
    class Meta:
        model = Organisation
        exclude_fields = ()
        interfaces = (gql.Node,)
        csd_filter_fields = {'name': ['exact', 'icontains', 'istartswith']}

    todos = OrderedDjangoFilterConnectionField('webapp.todo.schema.TodoType')
    users_selected_organisation = gql.fields.OrderedDjangoFilterConnectionField(

#... some code in between

class Query(

#... some code in between

class Mutations(

Writing the unit tests

Now lets try if everything works as expected. To do that we will write some unit tests for the server.

All the server tests are located at /Server/tests/api/tests. Every app has it’s own folder there, so lets start to create the folder.

First we need to define the graphql mutations. So lets add some mutations to

       mutation createTodo($input: CreateTodoMutationInput!) {
         createTodo(input: $input) {
           todo {
             createdBy {
           error {

   mutation deleteTodo($input: DeleteTodoMutationInput!) {
     deleteTodo(input: $input) {
       todo {
       error {

   mutation updateTodo($input: UpdateTodoMutationInput!) {
     updateTodo(input: $input) {
       todo {
       error {

   query allUserTodos {
     me {
       ownedOrganisation {
         todos {
           edges {
             node {
               createdBy {

Now we can write the test. Create the file inside the todo folder you’ve created. We’ll create one test for creating, deleting, updating and querying all todos.

from tests.graphql import (
   from tests.utils import execute_gql, execute_gql_mutation

   def test_create(test1_header):
       # GIVEN
       payload = {'text': 'default todo text', 'isDone': False}

       # WHEN
       result = execute_gql_mutation(CREATE_TODO_MUTATION, _headers=test1_header, **payload)

       # THEN
       todo = result['todo']
       assert result['error'] is None
       assert todo['text'] == payload['text']
       assert todo['isDone'] == payload['isDone']

   def test_query(test1_header):
       # GIVEN
       payload = {'text': 'default todo text', 'isDone': False}
       original_todo = execute_gql_mutation(CREATE_TODO_MUTATION, _headers=test1_header, **payload)

       # WHEN
       todos = execute_gql(QUERY_ALL_USER_TODOS, headers=test1_header)

       # THEN
       queried_todo = todos['data']['me']['ownedOrganisation']['todos']['edges'][0]['node']
       assert queried_todo['id'] == original_todo['todo']['id']

   def test_delete(test1_header):
       # GIVEN
       payload = {'text': 'default todo text', 'isDone': False}
       original_todo = execute_gql_mutation(CREATE_TODO_MUTATION, _headers=test1_header, **payload)

       # WHEN
       delete_payload = {'id': original_todo['todo']['id']}
       deleted_todo = execute_gql_mutation(
           DELETE_TODO_MUTATION, _headers=test1_header, **delete_payload

       # THEN
       assert deleted_todo['error'] is None

   def test_update(test1_header):
       # GIVEN
       payload = {'text': 'updated todo text', 'isDone': True}
       original_todo = execute_gql_mutation(CREATE_TODO_MUTATION, _headers=test1_header, **payload)

       # WHEN
       update_payload = {
           'id': original_todo['todo']['id'],
           'text': 'default todo text',
           'isDone': False,
       updated_todo = execute_gql_mutation(
           UPDATE_TODO_MUTATION, _headers=test1_header, **update_payload

       # THEN
       assert updated_todo['error'] is None
       assert updated_todo['todo']['id'] == original_todo['todo']['id']
       assert updated_todo['todo']['text'] == update_payload['text']
       assert updated_todo['todo']['isDone'] == update_payload['isDone']

Now lets see if the tests are working. If you haven’t done that already please execute the following cli-script:


We also need to set the url for testing. This is done by the following command (Replace domain with your domain):


After that we can start the tests with the following command:

# docker container have to be started

If all the tests have passed: congratulations - the server is now capable of creating new todo items!

P.S. If you want to run only a specific test you could do the following:

./cli/ -s tests/todo/ -k test_create

The graphql console

To test graphql and the mutations we have integrated a console. You’ll find that when you open the following link in the browser (Replace domain with your domain):

There we can test to create a new todo. One important thing is, that we need to authorized in order to create a todo. On the bottom of the screen you’ll find two tabs: QUERY VARIABLES and HTTP HEADERS. First we need to set the HTTP HEADERS. Therefore you need your authorization token, you’ll find it in the Local storage after you have signed into the webapp. Make sure to sign up again after executing the tests.

Add the following to the HTTP HEADERS and copy your Authorization Token:

Next we’ll define the action we want to execute. This is done in the bigger area above the variables and headers. There you can add the following mutation to create a todo:

We can test it by hitting the play button. You should get an error, because we haven’t defined the payload yet. To define the payload we need to set the QUERY VARIABLES:

When you execute it now you have created your first todo.

We can also query the list by entering the following graphql query:

After executing this command you should see the todo item you have created earlier.

Create the todo app in the frontend

The frontend is created with Angular. You can find the documentation here:

Creating the app

At first we have to create the module for our todo app. Therefore you need to open the docker container webapp-frontend-webapp.

cd Frontend
nx g @nrwl/angular:module --name todo --project web-app

We need to show the todos somewhere. Therefore we create a new component inside the newly created todo folder

nx g @nrwl/angular:component --name todo-list-page --path apps/web-app/src/app/todo --project web-app  --skipTests --skipImport
nx g @nrwl/angular:component --name todo-list --path apps/web-app/src/app/todo --project web-app  --skipTests --skipImport
nx g @nrwl/angular:component --name todo-item --path apps/web-app/src/app/todo --project web-app  --skipTests --skipImport
nx g @nrwl/angular:component --name todo-add --path apps/web-app/src/app/todo --project web-app  --skipTests --skipImport

This will create automatically all the files needed for the component.

The todo component should be reachable so we need to define the routing. Execute the following command inside the Frontend folder:

nx g @nrwl/angular:module --name todo-routing --path apps/web-app/src/app/todo --flat --project web-app

This will automatically create a todo-routing.module.ts inside of the todo folder. This defines the routing for this module.

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router';
import { CsdTodoListPageComponent } from './csd-todo-list-page/csd-todo-list-page.component';
import { TodoModule } from './todo.module';

const routes: Routes = [
   path: '',
   canActivate: [],
   pathMatch: 'full',
   component: CsdTodoListPageComponent,
] as Routes;

 imports: [TodoModule, RouterModule.forChild(routes)],
 exports: [RouterModule],
export class TodoRoutingModule {}

Last step needed before we can check our new module, is adding it in the app-routing module which you can find in the app folder. Currently root page of application is PATH_APP_ENTRY_PAGE path. We want to replace that with our todo app. Thus, replace line containing PATH_APP_ENTRY_PAGEwith the following code:

And replace:

 children: [
   { path: '', component: CsdDashboardPageComponent },
   { path: '', component: CsdUserToolbarComponent, outlet: 'main-toolbar' },


snipped for Frontend/apps/web-app/src/app/app-routing.module.ts
 children: [
   { path: '', loadChildren: './todo/todo-routing.module#TodoRoutingModule' },
   { path: '', component: CsdUserToolbarComponent, outlet: 'main-toolbar' },

Now, todo-list-page can be found by visiting /. Second line makes sure that all apps that were previously related with the original root page, still work.

When you sign up or sign in you should be redirected automatically to the Todo Page and see the following output: todo-list-page works!

now lets add the todo-list component to the todo-list-page.component.html:

<div class="dta-todo-list-page csd-page">
  <h1 class="csd-title">{{ 'PAGE_TITLE.TODO_LIST' | i18next }}</h1>

The “csd-page” and “csd-title” classes is already defined in Carrot Seed if you want to use them. The expression in the h1 tag is using the i18next translation system which we are using since it has a couple of advantages compared to the ngx-translate and the angular internal translation system. The first part PAGE_TITLE.TODO_LIST is a json path to the actual replacement text which the pipe i18next is then using.

The translation data can be found in, and needs to be added whenever you see such expressions. At the end of this tutorial we add all needed english translations for this tutorial. If you forgot to define a translation key then the key is shown instead of the translation.

English translation: Frontend/apps/web-app/src/assets/i18n/en.dta.json
        "TODO_LIST": "My List"
  declarations: [
  imports: [CommonModule],
export class TodoModule {}

After that the output should change to “todo-list works!” and should be a bit more in the center.

Interact with the server

As a next step we want to define the graphql queries and mutations which are necessary to interact with the django graphql server.

  1. We define all todo related queries and mutations in the :code:`todo.graphql.ts

  2. We define all related types for the todo interaction in todo.types.ts`

  3. We create a angular todo service to easily interact from components todo.service.ts

  4. Add the UI Logic in the todo-list-page.component.ts

Lets start with the graphql queries and mutations

import { gql } from '@apollo/client';
export const allUserTodosQuery = gql`
  query allUserTodos(
    $orderBy: [String]
    $after: String
    $first: Int
    $before: String
    $last: Int
    $filter: TodoTypeFilterConnectionFilter
  ) {
    me {
      ownedOrganisation {
          orderBy: $orderBy
          after: $after
          first: $first
          before: $before
          last: $last
          filter: $filter
        ) {
          pageInfo {
          edges {
            node {

export const createTodoMutation = gql`
  mutation createTodo($input: CreateTodoMutationInput!) {
    createTodo(input: $input) {
      todo {
      error {

export const updateTodoMutation = gql`
  mutation UpdateTodo($input: UpdateTodoMutationInput!) {
    updateTodo(input: $input) {
      todo {
      error {

export const deleteTodoMutation = gql`
  mutation deleteTodo($input: DeleteTodoMutationInput!) {
    deleteTodo(input: $input) {
      todo {
      error {

export const getTodoQuery = gql`
  query getTodo($id: ID!) {
    todo(id: $id) {

Now to also have a typed interface in typescript not only on graphql level, we need to create several types for the server interaction. We create a file todo.types.ts

import { BaseGqlInput, BaseModel, ID } from '../core/core.types';

// The core model class. We extend from BaseModel to have some convenience
// methods. The toReadableId is used eg. for the "Are you sure"-Dialog
// to present the user with a short representation of the item she wants
// deleted.
export class Todo extends BaseModel {
  static typeName = 'Todo';
  id: ID;
  text?: string;
  isDone?: boolean;
  createdById?: string;
  clientMutationId?: string;

  toReadableId(): string {
    return this.text;

// Needed to have typed input arguments in typescript when we call
// the createTodoMutation
export class CreateTodoInput implements BaseGqlInput {
  text: string;
  clientMutationId?: string;
  isDone?: boolean;

// Same for the updateTodoMutation
export class UpdateTodoInput implements BaseGqlInput {
  id: ID;
  text?: string;
  isDone?: boolean;
  clientMutationId?: string;

Next we create the todo service where the communication happens.

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { CsdDataService } from '../core/services/csd-data.service';
import {
} from './todo.graphql';
import { CreateTodoInput, Todo, UpdateTodoInput } from './todo.types';
import { BaseGqlInput, ID } from '../core/core.types';
import { CsdBaseModelService } from '../core/state/csd-base-model.service';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { CsdConfirmDialogService } from '../core/csd-confirm-dialog/csd-confirm-dialog.service';
import { I18NextPipe } from 'angular-i18next';
import { CsdMainStateService } from '../main/state/csd-main-state.service';
import { getRandomInt } from '../core/core.utils';

  providedIn: 'root',
export class TodoService extends CsdBaseModelService<Todo> {
  // here we need to define the Name of the model and also the model class (we defined earlier)
  // the class is needed to create instances of the model
  modelName = 'Todo';
  modelCls = Todo;
  // Here we connect the CRUD graphql queries and mutatuib with the
  // actual http fetching logic from apollo (although it is encapsulated in the CsdBaseModelService)
  createMutation = createTodoMutation;
  updateMutation = updateTodoMutation;
  deleteMutation = deleteTodoMutation;
  getQuery = getTodoQuery;

    protected csdDataService: CsdDataService,
    protected csdMainStateService: CsdMainStateService,
    protected csdConfirmDialogService: CsdConfirmDialogService,
    protected i18NextPipe: I18NextPipe
  ) {
    super(csdDataService, csdMainStateService, csdConfirmDialogService, i18NextPipe);

  getOptimisticResponse(kind, input: BaseGqlInput): any {
    // This is needed if we want optimistic UI (= UI should update immediately not waiting for the
    // server response. Here we construct a fake server response so that the UI can continue while
    // hoping that the server will succeed. If server errors apollo will handle the restoration of
    // a valid state.
    const fakeResponse = {
      __typename: 'Mutation',
    fakeResponse[kind + this.modelName] = {
      todo: {
        isDone: false,
        // we use a negative ID here for unpersisted temporary objects
        id: kind === 'create' ? Todo.toGlobalId(-getRandomInt()) : input['id'],
        __typename: Todo.graphQlTypename,

    return fakeResponse;

  // the following methods are only implemented in this class to
  // ensure the correct input data type. If that's not needed you can skip implementing them
  // and the parents methods are directly called then.
  delete$(id: ID, apolloOptions = {}): Observable<boolean> {
    return super.delete$(id, apolloOptions);

  create$(createTodoInput: CreateTodoInput, apolloOptions): Observable<Todo> {
    return super.create$(createTodoInput, apolloOptions);

  update$(updateTodoInput: UpdateTodoInput, apolloOptions = {}): Observable<Todo> {
    return super.update$(updateTodoInput, apolloOptions);

Now we create the actual component logic for creating, reading, update and deleting todos in todo-list-page.component.ts.

import { Component, OnInit, ChangeDetectionStrategy } from '@angular/core';
import { CsdDataService } from '../../core/services/csd-data.service';
import { allUserTodosQuery } from '../todo.graphql';
import { Todo } from '../todo.types';
import { CsdGqlDataSource } from '../../shared/datasource/csd-gql-data-source';
import { CsdSnackbarService } from '../../features/csd-snackbar/csd-snackbar.service';
import { TodoService } from '../todo.service';

  selector: 'dta-todo-list-page',
  templateUrl: './todo-list-page.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./todo-list-page.component.scss'],
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class TodoListPageComponent implements OnInit {
  dataSource: CsdGqlDataSource<Todo>;

    protected csdDataService: CsdDataService,
    protected csdSnackbarService: CsdSnackbarService,
    protected todoService: TodoService
  ) {
    // A datasource is an abstraction which lets you handle large quantities of data
    // in an easy way. It helps with filtering, sorting, and pagination.
    this.dataSource = new CsdGqlDataSource<Todo>({
      gqlQuery: allUserTodosQuery, // our todo list fetch query
      gqlQueryVariables: {},
      gqlItemsPath: 'me.ownedOrganisation.todos', // path in the query to the todo connection
      csdDataService, // the http link which uses apollo underneath


  ngOnInit(): void {}

  addTodo(title: string) {
    // Here we create a new todo. We use optimistic UI to get an enhanced UX which is extremely
    // responsive also on bad internet connections

    if (!title) {
      // show an error in case the user doesn't provide a todo tile

    // here we use the create$ method of the todoService which returns an observable,
    // so don't forget to subscribe to it.
          // the typed input
        { text: title },
          // this is optionally but we need it for the opmistic UI to also update the our
          // datasource query which leads to an updated todolist locally although it is not
          // yet saved on the server. CsdGqlDataSource provides the optimisticUpdate
          // helper methods to keep it short.
          // For a detailed explanation see
          update: (store, mutationData) =>
        (result) => {
          console.log('TodoListPageComponent.addTodo completed: ', result);
        (error) => {
          console.error('TodoListPageComponent.addTodo failed: ', error);

  saveTodo(todo: Todo) {
    // very similar to the addTodo()
      .update$(todo, {
        update: (store, mutationData) =>
        (result) => {
          console.log('TodoListPageComponent.saveTodo completed: ', result);
        (error) => {
          console.error('TodoListPageComponent.saveTodo failed: ', error);

  deleteTodo(todo: Todo) {
    // and also very similar to the addTodo()
      .delete$(, {
        update: (store, mutationData) =>
        (result) => {
          console.log('TodoListPageComponent.deleteTodo completed: ', result);
        (error) => {
          console.error('TodoListPageComponent.deleteTodo failed: ', error);


To quickly check if all the wiring is working we implement a basic list without styling and best practises ;) We will change it immediately later when everything is working as expected.

Now we have to add the HTML for showing todo items in the todo-list-page.component.html`.

<div class="dta-todo-list-page csd-page">
  <div *ngFor="let todo of ($() | async)">
      (change)="saveTodo({ id:, text: todo.text, isDone: !!isDone.value })"
    />{{ todo.text }}
    <span (click)="deleteTodo(todo)">(X)</span>

    (keyup.enter)="addTodo(todoInput.value); todoInput.value = ''"
    placeholder="Add todo"

Now we should be able to add a new todo with typing some text in the input and pressing the enter key. By changing the checkbox we can change the state of the todo. And clicking on the (X) will delete the todo with a nice “are you sure”-Dialog. Note that every change is already implemented with optimistic UI, so change is displayed immediately although the internet connection is slow. You can play around with simulation a slow connection in chrome inspector in the “Network” tab.

It’s working now we refactore the todo-list-page a bit in our already created components (todo-add, todo-item, todo-list) to make the code more clean and reusable. With this change we will also introduce angular material and make it pretty as well.

Angular Material refactoring

Okay, lets start with the smalest part for the refactoring, let’s try to get a single todo item in a so called TodoItemComponent. We already created the skeleton for it it is in the `todo/todo-item folder. The TodoItemComponent will be a presentational component, that means we don’t care about handling state, we just emit events via Angular Outputs and react to Angular Inputs.

Let’s have a look at the component code which should be pretty straight forward:

import { Component, ChangeDetectionStrategy, Input, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';
import { cloneDeep } from '@apollo/client/utilities';
import { Todo } from '../todo.types';

  selector: 'dta-todo-item',
  templateUrl: './todo-item.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./todo-item.component.scss'],
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class TodoItemComponent {
  @Input() todoItem: Todo;
  @Output() deletedItem = new EventEmitter<Todo>();
  @Output() savedItem = new EventEmitter<Todo>();

  editMode = false;

  changeTitle(text: string) {
    // change title will emit the change event with a new title
    // unless the title text is blank than we assume the user wants
    // to delete the todo.
    if (!text) {

    let changedTodo = cloneDeep(this.todoItem);
    changedTodo.text = text;
    this.editMode = false;

  changeCompleted(isDone: boolean) {
    // emits a change to the isDone state of a todo
    let changedTodo = cloneDeep(this.todoItem);
    changedTodo.isDone = isDone;

Based on this component code we can implement the template. Nothing complicated in there but some nice UX improvements are in there (strike through of done todos, edit on double click, etc) which makes it a bit more code.

<div class="dta-todo-item">
  <ng-container *ngIf="!editMode; else elseBlock">
      [style.text-decoration]="todoItem.isDone ? 'line-through' : 'none'"
      (dblclick)="editMode = true"
      {{ todoItem.text }}
    <div class="dta-actions">
      <button class="dta-edit" (click)="editMode = true" mat-icon-button><mat-icon>edit</mat-icon></button>
      <button class="dta-delete" (click)="deletedItem.emit(todoItem)" mat-icon-button>

  <ng-template #elseBlock>
    <mat-form-field class="dta-edit-todo">

To bring a bit more design to the TodoItemComponent we will also create a scss. The contrast to the traditional approach we are not using the component scss. We are using a separate themed scss system which is not that strictly encapsulated as the angular syste.

Why are we using this? It has some advantages, you can create multiple themes (eg. dark and light mode) and switch between them by just changing a css class on the app root element. You can also extend it to make a fully dynamic theme based on user input and rendered on the server for advanced white label solutions. Imagine every user of the todo app can create it’s own theme dynamically in the user settings. That’s possible with a separate scss aproach not with the normal angular approach.

Therfore our scss files for this tutorial live in Frontend/apps/web-app/src/scss/themes/dta/mixins/.

Okay lets start with the mixin for the TodoItemComponent. We create one mixin for each component to have a lot of flexibility and because then our scss files are more readable. Another reason for having mixins as suggested by angular material is that you can use the theme and typography system.

@mixin dta-todo-item-component($theme, $typo) {
  $primary: map-get($theme, primary);
  $accent: map-get($theme, accent);
  $warn: map-get($theme, warn);
  $background: map-get($theme, background);
  $foreground: map-get($theme, foreground);

  .dta-todo-item {
    text-decoration: none;
    display: flex;
    justify-content: space-between;
    align-items: center;

    padding: 8px 25px;
    margin: 8px 0;
    border-radius: 4px;
    border: 1px mat-color($mat-grey, 300) solid;
    background-color: mat-color($background, 'card');

    .dta-todo-text {
      @include mat-typography-level-to-styles($typo, 'body-2');
      margin: 0 20px;
      flex-grow: 1;

    .dta-edit-todo {
      width: 80%;

    .dta-save-button {
      font-size: 11px;
      line-height: 0px;

Okay we are done with our todo item now let’s use it. We will use it in our TodoListComponent (not the TodoListPageComponent). Because this component is still untouched we well add this code to it.

In the Template we add this code which already uses the dta-todo-item which is our TodoItemComponent

<div class="dta-todo-list">
  <div *ngFor="let todo of$() | async">

This is again a representational component, which just forwards events and properties therefore the component class is pretty short

import {
} from '@angular/core';
import { CsdGqlDataSource } from '../../shared/datasource/csd-gql-data-source';
import { UnsubscribeBaseComponent } from '../../shared/unsubscribe-base.component';
import { Todo } from '../todo.types';

  selector: 'dta-todo-list',
  templateUrl: './todo-list.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./todo-list.component.scss'],
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class TodoListComponent extends UnsubscribeBaseComponent implements OnInit {
  @Input() dataSource: CsdGqlDataSource<Todo>;
  @Output() deletedItem = new EventEmitter<Todo>();
  @Output() savedItem = new EventEmitter<Todo>();

  ngOnInit() {}

Finally we add now the TodoListComponent to our TodoListPageComponent template

<div class="dta-todo-list-page csd-page">
  <h1 class="csd-title">{{ 'MODEL.TODO.FORM.LIST_TITLE' | i18next }}</h1>

    (keyup.enter)="addTodo(todoInput.value); todoInput.value = ''"
    placeholder="Add todo"

Our todo list should look pretty nice in with the new angular material components and inputs.

Only the input for adding a todo is still plain html without styling, we will change that quickly and also refactor it on a representational component. The TodoAddComponent whos skeleton we have already created in the beginning:

We start with the component code as it is very short, because we only have one event to emit, when someone has added a todo:

import { Component, OnInit, ChangeDetectionStrategy, EventEmitter, Output } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'dta-todo-add',
  templateUrl: './todo-add.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./todo-add.component.scss'],
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class TodoAddComponent implements OnInit {
  constructor() {}
  @Output() addedTodo = new EventEmitter<string>();

  ngOnInit(): void {}

The template is also very simple, just an input and some convenience icon buttons for clearing the input

<div class="dta-todo-add">
  <mat-form-field class="dta-add-form-field">
    <mat-label>Add Todo</mat-label>
      (keyup.enter)="addedTodo.emit(todoInput.value); todoInput.value = ''"
      (keyup.escape)="todoInput.value = ''; todoInput.blur()"
    <mat-icon class="dta-add-icon" matPrefix>add</mat-icon>
      (click)="todoInput.value = ''"

Now that we also have the dta-todo-add component, we can finalize our TodoListPageComponent to only composite existing components:

<div class="dta-todo-list-page csd-page">
  <h1 class="csd-title">{{ 'MODEL.TODO.FORM.LIST_TITLE' | i18next }}</h1>
  <dta-todo-add (addedTodo)="addTodo($event)"></dta-todo-add>

That’s now an easily comprehensible component template. Short and composited by representational components. The only smart component in this example ist the TodoListPageComponent as it communicates with the apollo store through the TodoService and has the datasource instance.

And that’s all, now the only thing left is to write end-to-end tests for our simple frontend app.

You’ll also see that some translations are missing. We already added one translation string. Here is the complete translation file for english and for german:

English translation: Frontend/apps/web-app/src/assets/i18n/en.dta.json
  "MODEL": {
    "TODO": {
      "CLS": "Todo",
      "FILTER": {
        "IS_DONE_TRUE": "done",
        "IS_DONE_FALSE": "not done"
      "FORM": {
        "SECTION_TODO_INFORMATION": "Todo details",
        "ADD_NEW_ITEM": "Add new item",
        "DELETE_ITEM": "Delete item",
        "LIST_TITLE": "My List",
        "SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER": "Search",
        "ERROR": {
          "REQUIRED": "This field is required",
          "INVALID_FORM_DATA": "Please fix your input."
        "TEXT": {
          "LABEL": "Description"
        "ID": {
          "LABEL": "ID"
        "IS_DONE": {
          "LABEL": "Marked as done"
        "ACTIONS": {
          "LABEL": "Actions"
    "TODO_MANAGEMENT": "Todo management"
  "TODO_LIST": {
    "ADD_NEW_BUTTON": "Add new todo",
    "FILTER_BUTTON": "Filter"
English translation: Frontend/apps/web-app/src/assets/i18n/en.dta.json
  "MODEL": {
    "TODO": {
      "CLS": "Todo"
      "FORM": {
        "TEXT": {
          "LABEL": "Description",
          "ERROR": {
            "REQUIRED": "Todo text is required!"
    "TODO_LIST": "Todo Liste"

Writing frontend e2e tests

Our end to end tests (e2e) are in a separate project called web-app-e2e. All files related to e2e testing should be there (in contrast to the frontend unit tests which are inside the source code of the web-app)

We start by creating our page object helper for the todo list, these will help getting DOM elements and separate the test logic from actual DOM element fetching. This leads to testcode which is more robust to DOM structure changes.

export const getTodoItemText = () => cy.get('.dta-todo-text');
export const getAddTodoInput = () => cy.get('.dta-todo-add .dta-text-input');
export const getEditTodoInput = () => cy.get('.dta-edit-todo input');
export const getDeleteButton = () => cy.get('.dta-actions .dta-delete');
export const getEditButton = () => cy.get('.dta-actions .dta-edit');
export const getConfirmDeleteButton = () => cy.get('.mat-dialog-actions button.csd-confirm-button');
export const getTodoItem = () => cy.get('.dta-todo-item');

Now we can quickly create three e2e tests for testing adding, deleting and changing of a todo.

import { loginDefaultUser } from '../support/utils';
import { getTodoPage } from '../support/login.po';
import {
  getTodoItem, getEditTodoInput,
} from '../support/todo.po';

describe('Todo crud', () => {
  beforeEach(() => {
    // wait for the app to be loaded:

  it('should create todo', () => {
    const todoText = 'This needs to be done!';
    getAddTodoInput().type(todoText + '{enter}');

  it('should delete todo', () => {
    const todoText = 'This needs to be done!';
    getAddTodoInput().type(todoText + '{enter}');
      .within(() => getDeleteButton().click());

  it('should update todo', () => {
    const todoText = 'This needs to be done!';
    const newTodoText = 'This is updated text';

    getAddTodoInput().type(todoText + '{enter}');
      .within(() => {
        getEditTodoInput().clear().type(newTodoText  + '{enter}');


You see with cypress writing tests is really easy and very compact.

You can run tests with:


Now if you try to run e2e tests, you could see that they are failing. If you go all the way to the start of frontend tutorial, you can see that we have changed the default component from dashboard to our todo app. We need to adjust these changes in order to have successful tests once again. Add following line in login.po.ts.

This constant will enable us to check if todo component exists when page is loaded. Next, in login.spec.ts and register.spec.ts replace all occurances of getDashboardComponent() and getGermanDashboardComponent() with getTodoPage() as that is our default page now. Last test that we need to fix is user-invitation.spec.ts , where we need to replace getDashboardComponent({ timeout: 10000 }); with getTodoPage({ timeout: 10000 }); as we need to wait some time in order to complete the invitation. That’s it, now you have fully functional e2e testing!

For specific questions, please check cypress documentation