Release a new Version

Create Release

  1. Develop must include all features we want to deploy

  2. Develop must run through all CI tests

  3. Create release branch release/X.Y.Z from develop and push

  4. Checkout release branch

  5. Change Version Number

  6. Update change log docs/docs/changes.rst

  7. Manual testing and bugfixing continues on release branch (no additional branches needed)

Development can continue on develop branch.

Deploy Release

After all automatic and manual tests and QA is successfully on the release branch we can actually deploy

  1. checkout release branch and tag it
    * git tag -a -m “vX.Y.Z” vX.Y.Z
    * git push –tags
  2. create PR release/X.Y.Z –> master

  3. create PR release/X.Y.Z –> develop

  4. merge the release branch int master and develop (don’t close the release branch)

  5. deployment is done automatically by Drone CI/CD System